Manitou Beach Marina

LOCATION: Manitou Beach Marina is located off the Lake Ontario State Parkway in the Town of Greece near the Manitou Beach Road exit. The marina is located directly on Braddock Bay, which provides access to Lake Ontario.
DOCK SLIPS: The marina's dock area was dredged in 2019 and offers 100 slips on a floating dock system. Our docks have potable water connections, low intensity lighting, wireless internet, and 15 or 30 amp shore power hookups. Access to the boat slips, boat ramp, Restrooms and Shower is provided to member boaters by electronic key fobs.
NEARBY AMENITIES: The marina features plenty of well-lit parking for cars and tow vehicles. We do not have fuel on site, but the town owned marina across the bay and Braddock Bay Tavern (up Salmon Creek) both offer fuel for sale.
BOAT RAMP: Summer Ramp Passes can be purchased by submitting the form above. The ramp can be used by the public for $8.00 each way by paying a vending machine with coin, $1 or $5 bills. Ramp use may be restricted at times to slip renters and season pass holders only.
SERVICES: Services are offered by Gibbs Marine which is located on the Genesee River at 118 Petten Street, Rochester, NY 14612.
FUTURE PLANS: Dredging of the outside dock are will be completed when water levels cooperate. We have a good design for the rebuild of the restaurant's western half which we want to move forward with once we hire or partner with an operator.